
Sadhana refers to spiritual practice. This is a highly individual choice of practices which can best be defined by your own intuition.

What kind of sadhana should I do? In answer to this question, my teacher Swami Satyananda Saraswati suggests “do as much as you can!” In the my teacher’s tradition, sadhana typically involves the puja (chanting and offerings) to the divine energy that inspires one the most. In my own practice, that is Shiva, and also Chandi.

Chandi Path Scripture
Chandi Path Scripture

My own sadhana practice has evolved over time. It breathes with the ebb and flow of life changes. Sometimes I do more, and sometimes less. I find, however, that always doing something, at least a certain minimum which I have decided upon by my own intuition, makes a big difference in my daily life. I often make a sankalpa (a commitment) to do a certain practice over a certain period of time. I find it is a potent medicine to any kind of trying experience in my life.

My own basic puja began with and continues to be the Beginner Shiva Puja book, especially on days when I am rushed. On longer days, I use the Advanced Shiva Puja book.

Shiva Puja for Beginners
Shiva Puja for Beginners

Puja is also something that I have been asked to share with others from time to time. It is helpful during life transitions, and can ease the stress of new challenges. I’m open to sharing it with others by request.

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